
Wi-Fi Connect

Security without passwords
Wi-Fi without compromise
Welcome to the 21st century

About Our App

Why do we share passwords when this is the number one security faux pas? In a world where digital security is taken very seriously, Wi-Fi security can often be a joke. The same method has been used to connect to Wi-Fi since its inception. And for the time this was fine, but that era is over. It’s time to make Wi-Fi secure again.

Welcome to Wi-Fi Connect.

Wi-Fi Connect is the first app that changes the way we connect to Wi-Fi for the better. Forget sharing passwords! Let your friends connect to Wi-Fi designed for the 21st century.

about app

App Screenshots

Latest Pricing

You can purchase the plan you are interested in inside the app.


  • Share 1 Network
  • Unlimited Friends
  • Unlimited Connections

$0. 00



  • Share Unlimited Networks
  • Unlimited Friends
  • Unlimited Connections

$2. 99


Contact Info

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